Saturday, April 30, 2005 

Spot The Differences

Turn on your speakers and spot the differences. I know, spotting the differences sounds and probably always is gay but this version is way better. It comes with cool sounding and everything so check it out:


Basketball Look-Alikes

Kyle Korver- Ashton Kutcher
Mike Bibby - Mini-me
Chris Bosh - Tyrannasaurus Rex

Friday, April 29, 2005 

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Check it Out

Only I and millions of other people know the answers to this site. The answer will be revealed on the 13th of May.


For All Lefties Out There

I feel your pain lefties. For, I am left too. Indeed being left handed is a good thing and a bad thing. Check out these facts about lefties:
  • The English origins of the word "left" come from the Latin "laevus" meaning "the shield" or "lucky side."
  • The Italian words for left and left-handed are "mancino and mancini" which translate to "defective and deceitful."
  • The Spanish word for left-handed is "zurdo" or "wrong."
  • British slang for left-handed are: kefty, scrammy, and wacky.
  • The Irish word for left-handed is "ciatog." Many superstitions are linked to lefties in Ireland. Often times they are thought to be treacherous and evil. ( muahaha, eggsalad )
  • Left-handed brains can often handle music easily, but have trouble with language. Bob Dylan, a lefty, wrote the music for "Blowin' in the Wind" in less than five minutes, but it took him a month to write the lyrics.
  • The only astronaut to fly in all three space programs, Mercury, Gemini and Apollo, was left-handed Wally Schirra.
  • Of the five people that designed the Macintosh computer, four were left-handed.
  • It is easier for a lefty to try "mirror writing" then a righty. This was a skill mastered by left-handers Lewis Carroll and Leonarde da Vinci.
  • According to SAT results, left-handed students have higher math scores than right-handed students do.
  • England's Queen Victoria was left-handed. She also had the longest reign in British history, 63 years.
  • When typing, the left hand does most of the work.
More lefty facts on


French+Greeks= Freaks

Praise for Russel Peters:

French + Greek = Freaks
Iceland+Cubans = Icecubes
He said these jokes not me. Oh, I forgot the others, if anybody else knows them send it to vneath
. Sorry if I offended anybody but if you hear him say the jokes like he did too. You'd probably laugh at yourself.


Greek Water Source

During social sciences we were predicting what the water source was used by Greeks. After several predictions one boy put his hand up and stumbled when it was his turn. He spat out: Alexandria

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 

M-O-T-T-S Motts

I hate this ad. I want to take that girl's face and rip up into pieces. After I do that to her I'll take the rest of her gang on. K-I-L-L KILL

Monday, April 25, 2005 

Bad Predictions

  • In 1952, IBM forecasted the total global market for computers as 52 units. In 1982, IBM forecasted the total global market for PC's as 200,000 units. In 1966 RCA forecasted that there would be 220,000 computers in the United States by the turn of the 21st Century. - Less than current weekly shipments.
  • "There is no hope for the fanciful idea of reaching the moon, because of insurmountable barriers to escaping the earth's gravity."- University of Chicago astronomer Dr. F. R. Moulton, 1932.
  • - Joseph de Lalande of the French Academy, 1782."It is entirely impossible for man to rise into the air and float there. For this you would need wings of tremendous dimensions and they would have to be moved at a speed of three feet per second. Only a fool would expect such a thing to be realized."
For more bad predictions visit



Lately I've been condicting research on which book is going to win for Silverbirch. The poll results:
  • 100% Kaspar Snit
The result may be surprising but even more surprising are the result fo the non-fiction nominees.
  • 100% Ask Me Anything!
For this poll I asked the people Me, Myself and I.


Raven Quest by Sharon Stewart

The one thing I hate about this book are the stupid sayings and " proverbs " below every chapter title. Here are a couple of examples:
  • "Hard as ice if you fight it. Soft as snow if you yeild.What is it? Karlan
  • Hunter and hunted reckognize each other the rest is numon. (is that a word)



Look at email from a blogger's view.

Sunday, April 24, 2005 


I hate pentagonal prisms.


Seashell Sound

You know that sound that people hear when they put their hears up to the seashell? That's actually their pulse. Its late. No one on msn. You know who I'd like to be when I grow up. The big brother in Family Guy. "Whee, I'm getting carried by ants." Life'd be so easy. Family Guy's returining on May 1st. Global/Fox


Put Your Typing To The Ultimate Test

I went at a total speed of 352 words per second. Actually 352 a's per sec. Put yur typing to the test.



Done Silverbirch. 20 books in all. Ah... The scent of 15 big ones. Better than marijuana in the midsummer of the Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds. No, I'm not on drugs but I bet if i was...

Saturday, April 23, 2005 

The 7-Day Challenge

What do you think the 7day challenge is? Some simple thing that you cannot do for a whole week? Well your wrong. Its worse than not having a bath for a year. Its worse than not being able to use the computer for 7 days. Its... its something that'll break you apart. Something that may change you forever. In my case its not listening to LP for a whole week. The prize: 10 Bucks. I have decided to make an oath:

I, V.S.S have decided to make an oat (wrong spelling :oath)... ( garbage about oathiness( is oathiness a word?)you know). I, V.S.S. have decided to not listen to LP for a whole week ( 7 Days) (168 Hours) (10080 Minutes) ( 604800 seconds ).

I don't think I'll last for a day. Ahh... 168 more hours to go.


A Thing That You Should Do

  • Visit my page everyday as long as you live from now on


Couple Of Things You Should Never Do

  • Drink soap
  • Put bleach on the floor to clean something instead of soap or vinegar

Friday, April 22, 2005 

Send Me On My Way - Rusted Roots

Check out the lyrics of the Ice Age and Matilda Soundtrack:

On my way, On my way

I would like to reach out my hand
I may see you, I may tell you to run
no ba de say no ba de ohm

Well pick me up with a golden hand
I may see you, I may tell you to run
no ba de say no ba de ohm

I would like to hold my little hand
How we will run, we will...
How we will crawl, we will...

I would like to hold my little hand
How we will run, we will...
How we will crawl, send me on my way.

Send me on my way

What the....? The name explains it all. Finshed me poem ( rewritten version of the Linkin Park rap part)


Richard's Ultimate Diss Of All Time In My Opinion

Sorry about the 9 words in the title. O yeah, here's his diss :
You are so ugly that you got rejected by Michael Jackson.
Say that to somebody and they won't talk for a million years


Music Song

Today at music class I discovered that I would have to re-write the lyrics to a song, poem or rap. I chose to rewrite the lyrics to In The End- Linkin Park. You will get to see the finished product on May the 13th.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 


Henry was placed against the wall in front of the firing squad. Just before the order to shoot, he yelled " Earthquake" The squad panicked. In the confusion, Henry jumped over the wall and escaped. Charlie was next and pondered what Henry had done, before the squad could shoot he shouted " Tornado! " Again the squad scattered and Charlie slipped away to safety. George thought he saw the pattern: Scream out a disaster and hop over the wall. So, as the firing squad took aim, George grinned smugly and yelled " Fire! "

- Readers Digest


NASA: The Definition

Actual Definition -an independent agency of the United States government responsible for aviation and spaceflight
Full Form - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA

So me and this dude are talking about NASA. We are doing a project. The goal of this project is to make a car move 2m. I'm planning to create a rocket. So for the design I start talking to him about NASA. Anonymus (a different one) looks at us puzzled and says: " Who is NASA?" I reply " A Singer"


The World: My View

Places in the world that I have been to


Cigarette Fact of the Day: Formaldehyde

That’s right. The same stuff they use to keep dead bodies from rotting too quickly is in every drag of cigarette smoke. Yummy.


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True Story

Last year we had to do a big multiple choice test. It was out of a 100. Mrs.Jones, our teacher told us how much each question was worth. Realizing that the total points did not add up to 100, she smiled and said " You get five points for writing your name down."
"Mrs.Jones," a boy in the back called out, "can we write our name more than once?"

Taken from Readers Digest May 2005

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 

Today I was sweating like like like sweating. For example when I rub my 2 hands together they stick together. When I press my lips together I can't unpress ( is that even a word?) them. But when I bounce the ball, I can't bounce. It sticks to my hand.

It almost seems like we've skipped a whole season: Spring


Cigarette Fact of the Day

In the last 30 seconds 31 people started smoking in the world.


Stupid Stupid Stupid

Everybody is stupid.
You are stupid, I are stupid.
Me is dumb. You is dumb. Life is stupid.

Monday, April 18, 2005 

Cigarette Fact of the Day : Urea

You're familiar with urine, right? Urea is in urine and in some places around the world it’s added to cigarettes to make them taste better. Mmm. Anybody up for a smoke?

Sunday, April 17, 2005 

A Village of a 100

If we could shrink the earth’s population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following:

  • There would be 57 Asians
  • 21 Europeans
  • 14 from the Western Hemisphere
  • 8 Africans
  • 52 would be female
  • 70 would be non-white
  • 30 would be Christian
  • 22 would be Muslim
  • 12 would be Hindu
  • 89 would be heterosexual
  • 11 would be homosexual
  • 6 people would possess 59% of the entire world’s wealth
  • 11 would be Indians
  • 6 would be from the United States
  • 80 would live in substandard housing
  • 70 would be unable to read
  • 50 would suffer from malnutrition
  • 1 (One) would be near death
  • 1 (One) would be near birth
  • 1 (One) would have a college education
  • 1 (One) would own a computer.

If you woke up this morning with more health than illness... you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation you are ahead of 500 million people in the world. If you can worship in a church or a mosque or a temple without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death... you are more blessed than three billion people in the world. If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes in your box, a roof overhead and a place to sleep.. you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace... you are among the top 8% of the worlds wealthy. If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you, and furthermore, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.


Cigarette Fact of the Day

In the last 30 seconds a smoker smoked a cigarette and lost 5 minutes of their life expectancy.


Tobacco Fact of the Day

One of the big tobacco companies alone earned $1,066,000,000 in 2003.

Saturday, April 16, 2005 


The presence of excessive gas in the digestive tract
Self-importance; pomposity.

To expel intestinal gas through the anus; break wind
To fool around; fritter time away.

A bogeyman.
Slang. Dried nasal mucus.
Slang. An item that is unnamed or unnameable
Slang.A worthless, despicable person.
Slang. A person; a fellow.


Cigarette Fact of the Day

In the last 30 seconds 4 people died worldwide from tobacco use.



Platypus Milk
Translation: modified sweat on platypus fur, that the baby platypus licks off

Friday, April 15, 2005 

Cigarette Fact of the Day

In the last 30 seconds 5.2 million cigarettes were sold worldwide.


Sticky Situation

Reporter: Mr. President, what are you going to do about the rising level of unemployment?

President: The heck with unemployment, did you know that after the “Popeye” comic strip was started in 1931, spinach consumption went up by thirty-three percent in the United States?

Reporter: That is simply remarkable Mr. President. That is the best information a President has ever given the public...

Thursday, April 14, 2005 

Five Amazing Facts About Dung

  • The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C
  • In ancient Egypt, the dung beetle symbolized eternal rebirth and the Sun God Khepri.
  • Scatologists are experts who study feces. (aka. crap, dung, dookie, dumps, feces, excrement, etc.)
  • Hockey pucks were originally made from frozen cow dung.
  • Bernd Eilts, a German artist, turns dried cow manure into wall clocks and small sculptures. He is now expanding his business to include cow dung wrist watches.


Its Saturday : Part Two

  • good time off school
  • 1 better than 2
  • I want to play football

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 

Office Paper Facts

  • Every year, Americans throw away enough office and writing paper to build a wall, 12 feet high, stretching from New York to Los Angeles.

  • The average office worker throws away about 180 pounds of high-grade recyclable paper every year.

  • Every year, Americans produce over 4 trillion documents, enough to wallpaper the Grand Canyon over 300 times.



An amount of time ago Anonymus made a huge mistake in Social Studies. We were talking about ancient civilazations and how religions play a part in them. So in the middle of a discussion we talked about Canada if it has a single religion. We were talking about the pioneers like their religoin. So one of the teachers asked Anonymus what religion group do they fall into. She gave her a clue the first letter of the religion was C. The student replied Civilization.


Top 3 One Hit Wonders

Favourite Wonders
1. Send Me On My Way- Rusted Roots
2. Tub Thumping - Chumbawamba
3. Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 

The Television

For years it has entertained and bored our peers and pores (proactive). But today when I saw the Pistons face the Heat I realized why we invented the idiot box. So we could make fun of people in their faces without them knowing. I mean if some of those big basketball dudes on TV knew what I was saying about them. Well I wouldn't be here to write this post now would I?


Its Saturday

Its been a long time since I've posted on my site. This is due to me being busy with my (well not really mine) drama production In which I am involved with the speaking cast and choir. Actually everybody (in this case all the grade fives) was involved in the choir. And for the speaking cast sheet it said Vaneet instead of my actual name, I think it was a typo with the V it should have been a G which would have made it Ganeet (a girl in my class). Cause I'm not the Dramiest person around. Seriously look at your keyboard the G is on top of the V.

The play is a complete bore. Full of refrigerator and rock (stone) jokes. Oh yeah we boogie-woogie. This may be due to the fact that the script for the play was written in 1991. Well, I'm thankful for the typo because of one letter my music mark and drama mark may improve.

Rating for the play: absoulutely postively with my whole heart nothing

Monday, April 11, 2005 

How It All Started

Lately I have been writing a story or a novel as I like to call. I hope it has something unique about it. Ok here is scene 1. and... ACTION:

IT was the first day of school, or judgment day as I call it. The Sherwood Mills Gym was packed with kids asking teachers where their classroom was. Half of the teachers were lost, just like the students. One of them even asked me where their classroom was! I could sense that this was the beginning of a horrible school year…or maybe not?
Our school was made up of so many different kinds of people. From my point of view, Sherwood mills were like the animal kingdom. Each grade represented a different group of animals. The Kindergarteners were clueless and swarming all over the place, crying and licking everything, like bacteria. YUCK! I guess everything in their world is candy and lollipops. And then there were the grade ones. They thought they were all that, just because they had graduated from kindergarten. They reminded me of baby bears, excited to explore the world. NOT! The Grade twos were like ants, staying together in large groups. Even though only one year separated the grade two’s from the kids in grade threes were the ant-eaters bullying the ants. But the grade fours seemed to be the most ignorant of them all, not asking teachers for directions or anything yet they were making the most noise like crickets chirping in the night. Last but not least there was me and the rest of the grade fives. We are the extremely intelligent and the extremely stupid. We have the most variety of kids. It’s like there was a jungle of us grade fives.

If you have any props or remarks to send me send them to

Sunday, April 10, 2005 

Stupid Town Name

Why, Arizona, USA


An Awesome Life

I'm home and I just ate chicken. Life is awesome.
I like oreos.



Some people speak in complex sentences which I don't understand. Stuff like: It is ironically challenging for someone like me to express their feelings through words. Even with endless and complex sentences I write down, the necessity quality of understanding and meaning is omitting. I`m not good with words to express myself. And even if I could, I normally don`t like to open myself to other people in person. ButI`ll tryto elucidate myself better to you, not just using words but through visual recollection. ( then some people say that their bad at everything or something but the worst part is when you can't even understand what they are saying).But overall they have great english unlike everybody else on this planet. Everybody speaks in talkin' n' walkin' . You know stuff like that. But there a few survivors left who still speak a foriegn language called english.


The Television

For years it has entertained and bored our peers and pores (proactive). But today when I saw the Pistons face the Heat I realized why we invented the idiot box. So we could make fun of people in their faces without them knowing. I mean if some of those big basketball dudes on TV knew what I was saying about them. Well I wouldn't be here to write this post now would I?



Tokelau is a small island, consisting of three atolls, some 500 miles from Western Samoa and is inhabited by less then 1500 people. Living on just 17 square kilometers (12 square miles) and the only way to get there is by traveling by boat for some 42 hours. Because the island is so remote and has little means for trading and development, it is also quite poor.Tokelau rocks.