Sunday, July 31, 2005 


Hello fellow Jedi's. I have recently inherited some reliable information from myself about internet explorer. Its crappy when you compare it with Mozilla.

Mozilla is a faster, and more reliable browser to use. It come with a free pop-up blocker with special " tab tools" and more its a better browser. After all it uses the power of the dark side.

Plus, sometime when you visit my website Internet Explorer screws it up,

Gwt Firefox.

Saturday, July 30, 2005 

Really Ugly Post


Friday, July 29, 2005 

Illustration Friday: Aging Numero 2

After realizing my first creation looked like crap. I looked through my time machine and found this image.I think its a cover of a Judy Blume book. I re-drew the image with a black pen . Pretty good eh?


Illustration Friday: Aging

2 things to say. I love illustration friday. And umm... my new favourite piece of music: Requiem For A Dream Soundtrack.

Thursday, July 28, 2005 

New Fav Game

Whoppee! I got a new favourite game. Its call A Way Home.

For other cool games visit Orisinal.


Teen Angst

What a weird word! Angst. Sounds like stupidity. I read a teen angst book. It was stupidity. Right now in my mind teen angst books are stupidity. Who knows my opinion might change once I'm a teen freaky weirdo freak teen angst angst person who is teen angst. I hope I never become one. Of course, that's my opinion.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 

Something New

Remember yesterday I kept on moaning about how I wanted something new to happen? Well, something new happened. I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Review: Yummy.
Its a land where everything is chocolate. So, how can you hate it? A cheaper way to see this movie is too read the book. But there are some added info in the movie. Pretty funny. Basically it was way better than I thought it would be.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 


I'm bored. Nothing is new. Hopefully, something new will happen tomorow. Nothing happened yesterday,day-before yesterday's yesterday and the yesterday of that yesterday. For that yesterday, nothing happened tomorrow and that tomorrow's day-after tomorrow and so on. See how boring I can get? I'm melting.

Monday, July 25, 2005 

Hello... Hello...

Hello. Just finished two books: The Ink Drinker and Little Red Ink Drinker. I give two thumbs up for all of the wacky illustration and freaky stories. Check out a the illustations:

Sunday, July 24, 2005 


Aren't I Beautiful?

I should become an eye model and evye designer. Or is it only I who thinks my eyes are so beautiful. I have never seen and eye quite like it.

Saturday, July 23, 2005 

Illustration Friday: Tranquility

I just found out about Illustration Friday. Finally I have something that may keep me busy this summer.

Friday, July 22, 2005 

I Used To Believe

I can't believe so many bloggers copy this site and act like these fears are their fears. Here are some fears some kids had, or some adults made up which I find amusing:

I believed that while I slept, there was a man who lived in the light fixture in the ceiling who wore a pith helmet, and if I slept on my back and kept my mouth open, he would throw oranges in my mouth, which would not have been good.

When I was five or six years old, my mom noticed that I was very fidgety before I went to sleep. In reality, I moved my feet around as much as possible because I was afraid miniature leprechauns were going to steal my toes.

There was a time in my young, impressionable life that I watched an inordinate amount of television. During one evening's sojourn into the Idiot Box, I happened to peruse a commercial for a lovely chocolate confection called a Chunky due to its large and solidly square shape. The advertisement then showed a Chunky growing larger and larger, accompanied by loud thudding sounds. This somehow horrified my prepubescent synapses, and was thereby transposed by my naivete into an under-the-bed monster which lasted throughout not only my horrified childhood, but also the childhood of my sisters offspring, as she told them the story of the hideous Chunky that awaits the appearance of tiny toes over the side of the bed should they try to get out of it during the night.

A candy bar that eats children.

To this day, I have never eaten a Chunky.

For more stupid and hilarious fears visit: I Used To Believe



Peace. I don't think that word even
belongs in today's vocabulary. Where
do you see peace in today's world?
No where. Peace almost seems like
an illusion. We all need to step up.
We shouldn't ask the question
"Why me?" we should ask the question
" Why not?". We can write ourselves
a new identity. One not of corruption
and greed but of peace, love and kindness.
" Where there is poverty, there is no freedom"
-Nelson Mandela

Thursday, July 21, 2005 

As Bored as....

Well, I'm bored. I've been getting some "hate-mail" due to my Harry Potter post and forward. I shouldn't have done that. But I'm glad I did it. "_" Now I'm getting some email. Now I know where my hits are coming from. Well, summers boring as ever. Bored as hell. I've got one question to ask all of you people out there.

If William James conducted a survey of people's emoticonal states, which of these would prove to be correct?

A. After nearly drowning in a boating accident, the subject became extremely upset when he came in contact with water.
B. Grieving over the loss of a loved one, the subject refuses to eat and becomes frail.
C. The subject is almost always content, regardless of hissurroundings.

Choice # 1: A only.
Choice# 2: A and B.
Choice# 3: B and C.

I have no idea. Any idea?

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 



Harry Potter Book 7 Revealed

Snape=Half Blood Prince

Half Blood Prince Kills Dumbledore

Snape called half-blood Prince cause his mother who was a muggle had a name which was Eileen Prince. Its Prince not prince.

Harry Potter is going out with Ginny

Gryffindor gets silver for Quidditch, Ravenclaw = Gold.

Fleur is marrying Bill. Werewolf bites Bill. Bill's face deformed.

Aragog (big spider) also dies.

Things called "horcuxes" or something like that help Voldermort split his soul. Once all "horcuxes" (example Tom Riddle's Book) Voldermort will become mortal again.

Hogwarts may become closed.

Dumbledore buried in Hogwarts.

Voldermort is a genius ( in my humble opinion).

Felix Felicius is something that makes a person lucky.

I hope I ruined your day. Sorry though.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 

Family Guy Quote

Monday, July 18, 2005 


Summer (for some unknown (perhaps mathemitcal or philosiphical) reason) seems to be boring. The internet also seems boring. I'm done Harry Potter (which was). the only unboring thing in my summer. So, I'm pretty bored. I'm starting to think that It would be cool if someone whacks me in the head with a baseball bat. But then again, please don't. I'll fall unconcious or perhaps even dies. So, summer is boring. I'm starting to think it would be cool if someone whacks me in the head. But then again...

Sunday, July 17, 2005 


Empty. Is the world empty. No. Evil fills it up. Hatred, anger an jealously almost seems like what we desire. If the world were empty, it would be how it began. All good. No evil. Then we arrived on this once beautiful planet to ruin everything for everyone.


Yo listen up here's a story

Check it out. Lyrics to that good ol' irritating song.

Yo listen up here's a story
About a little guy that lives in a blue world
And all day and all night and everything he sees
Is just blue
Like him inside and outside
Blue his house with a blue little window
And a blue Corvette
And everything is blue for him
And himself and everybody around
Cause he ain't got nobody to listen.

I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa
I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa

I have a blue house with a blue window
Blue is the colour of all that I wear
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue
Blue are the people here that walk around
Blue like my Corvette, it's sittin' outside
Blue are the words I say and what I think
Blue are the feelings that live inside me.

I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa
I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa

I have a blue house with a blue window
Blue is the color of all that I wear
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue
Blue are the people here that walk around
Blue like my Corvette, it's sitting outside
Blue are the words I say and what I think
Blue are the feelings that live inside me

I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa
I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa

Inside and outside
Blue his house with a blue little window
And a blue Corvette
And everything is blue for him and himself
And everybody around
Cause he ain't got nobody to listen

I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa
I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa..

Are you irritated yet?
This is what people around the world say about the song:
" Im so glad they stoped playing this song very 5 minutes"
"possibly the WORST song ever created, but thats just my opinion"
"Believe it or not, I enjoy this song a lot. I think it's a...more humorous way of describing somebody who is feeling down or depressed. When people are depressed, not matter what they try and do to distract themselves, they end up feeling surrounded by this empy and sad feeling. I like the song:-)" I know what that guy's talking abt, except for that "meaning part"
It's just a bad song because they overplayed it. You know I'm right."

For more songmeanings and people's opinions of various songs click right over which the right over here, right over has.

Thursday, July 14, 2005 

Ever been dissed?

Here's a list of mean, yet funny disses. By saying one of these disses you agree to the following Policy. If you cannot view the policy, thats your problem. Check these out:

You're so ugly that when you walk into the bank they turn off the cameras
You're so ugly you have to sneak up on your mirror
You're so dumb that when police tell you that you broke the speed limit you'd say: "I can fix it."
You're so dumb that when somebody tells you to buy a colour television, you ask: "what colour?"

Many thanks to

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 

Now and now

This is what I researched on this site and found out. This is what's every single second. That means: now,now,now and now. So, what are you doing now? Yes, I am talking about the current now. Not the now that happened.


Other Harry Potters

  • A Latin teacher from Michigan, who wears Harry Potter spectacles,
  • A retired seaman from Florida, who is the third of four Harry Potters in his family,
  • A children’s video-maker from Texas, who has written a book called Tory: The Dust Devil,
  • And a lawyer from London who uses his famous name to his advantage in court and even has a hand-written letter from JK Rowling.
  • A newborn baby who actually has Harry's full name (Harry James Potter)
  • A barrister in London
  • A soldier who died in WW11
  • A clockmaker who worked in the last century


Need Glasses? (this post has nothing to do with glasses)

Have you seen that ad? The one with the drunk guy. With the glasses if beer going again and again up in front of your screen. And then you crash into a train or something? I feel like that now. I drank about 50 gallons of Tang. Orange Tang. I hate Grape flavoured Tang. I hate all Grape flavoured things except for grapes. I like Mango. Mango is the best.


Gorillaz Revealed

Gorillaz. A band which doesn't exist. Or maybe they do. Or maybe they don't. Or maybe they do.mmm.

Do you guys out there remember my craze for LP?
I like Gorillaz now. LP is only an image of my past.

The band consist of 4 musicians. 2-d, Noodle, Murdoc, and Russel. What will happen to the band is a question which has been remained unanswered.

Actually, Gorillaz was created by 2 duds who had nothing to do. One person takes care of the animation and one person takes care of the music.

Sunday, July 10, 2005 

Image hosted by

This fabulous quote was taken from the fabulous show called The Weekenders . Starring the fabulous Lor MacQuarrie, Tino Tonitini, Carver Descartes,and Petra "Tish" Tishkovna

Saturday, July 09, 2005 

New Link

Picasso was a great artist with tons of fame...

I think PicassoHead is better. With tons of "weird art features". And galleries. PicassoHead is my favourite link yet. If Picasso were still alive I bet he'll be pissed about the way I feel . Check...check...check it out. Check out these fantastic pictures people have already created on PicasooHead.


Mr. Picassohead recommendation from a friend

A Mr. Picassohead painting has been recommended to you by a friend. Please visit the link below to see the painting, cruise the Mr. Picassohead Gallery, or to make your very own Mr. Picassohead.

Mr. Picassohead was created by Ruder Finn Interactive,

Ruder Finn ... Creativity delivers.

Friday, July 08, 2005 

Image hosted by

Thursday, July 07, 2005 

I'm On Google

I'm on google. The world's fastest and most popuralist (is that a word?) search engine on the web. Search for "Vneath or Yabadabadoo" and you'll find me. (Sorry GNN). Anybody else know a way to get on google?

Email me if you know at, or email me if you want free gmail.



Image hosted by
I just finished reading DIGITAL FORTRESS by Dan Brown. I still
cannot believe that I finished all of the 444 pages. By the way, this
picture which I created doesn't have anything to do with Digital
Fortress, a book which has over a trillion twists and turns...

Hairy Pooper is coming out soon. July 16. Don't worry folks, I'll ruin the
whole story for you once I read it... sorry about that.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005 

Do you know where doughnuts live?

Image Hosted by
Have you ever wondered where doughnuts live? I have, many times. When one of my siblings told me the real answer, I was about to cry when I thought about my stupid question. Then I realized that dougnuts actually hold some life in them, about 4 years later. Because their made out of wheat. And wheat lives. Or something along the lines of that.

Think about this, what is the oldest food that we still enjoy in our present time? Probably the doughnut, its been here since biblical times. In fact, in my humble opinion I feel that the dougnut is the greatest food and invention of all time if you don't involve religious matters.

Saturday, July 02, 2005 

Who invented the Oh-So Famous Donut Holes?

There is a very popular half-truth in doughnut lore centered on a very real sea captain and his mother. In 1847, Elizabeth Gregory was known in her New England circle to make a very fine olykoek. Her secret was to add a hint of nutmeg and fill the center with hazelnuts or walnuts. She even had a special name for her creation -- dough-nuts. (A more plausible explanation of the name is far less exciting, early recipes instructed amateur chefs to create "little nuts of dough" and place these balls into the hot oil.)

As legend has it, Mrs. Gregory sent her son Captain Hanson Crockett Gregory on one of his sea voyages with several dough-nuts and her recipe to make more. It is here that one legend branches off into several versions. In one variation, Captain Hanson found himself having difficulty steering his ship and holding his dough-nut at the same time. The quick-thinking swabby impaled his dough-nut on one of the spokes of his steering wheel. Satisfied with his new dough-nut holder, he ordered his cook to henceforth prepare all dough-nuts with holes in the center.

Source: Mr.Breakfast


Make Poverty History: Live 8 and G8 - The Purpose and The Goal

LIVE 8 is part of a day of action across the world which kick-starts The Long Walk to Justice that calls on the leaders of the world’s richest countries to act when they meet in Gleneagles on 6th-9th July. On July 2nd in London, Edinburgh, Philadelphia, Berlin, Paris and Rome millions will be coming together to call for complete debt cancellation, more and better aid and trade justice for the world’s poorest people. LIVE 8 is calling for people across the world to unite in one call – in 2005 it is your voice we are after, not your money.

The Long Walk To Justice is the symbolic journey of millions of people across the world to show the G8 leaders that the world is watching and waiting.

Ahead of the G8 Summit, those that can, will make their way to the Scottish capital, Edinburgh, to show the leaders of the world's richest nations in person, that they must act to stop the scandal of extreme poverty now.

As well as those who make it to Edinburgh, tens of millions around the globe will join in the biggest ever call to end poverty

Every name on the LIVE 8 list - and every photo sent to - will be taken from Murrayfield directly to Gleneagels on the eve of the most important summit in the fight against poverty.

The Long Walk to Justice is on course to attract: The largest ever TV audience; The busiest website in the world; The largest ever online petition - The LIVE 8 list; The largest ever text petition; The largest ever response to a TV show.

Everything about this sentenve is something I copied from the official Live 8 website. Click here to submit your name to the Live8List or click here to visit the official Live 8 website.