How It All Started
Lately I have been writing a story or a novel as I like to call. I hope it has something unique about it. Ok here is scene 1. and... ACTION:
IT was the first day of school, or judgment day as I call it. The Sherwood Mills Gym was packed with kids asking teachers where their classroom was. Half of the teachers were lost, just like the students. One of them even asked me where their classroom was! I could sense that this was the beginning of a horrible school year…or maybe not?
Our school was made up of so many different kinds of people. From my point of view, Sherwood mills were like the animal kingdom. Each grade represented a different group of animals. The Kindergarteners were clueless and swarming all over the place, crying and licking everything, like bacteria. YUCK! I guess everything in their world is candy and lollipops. And then there were the grade ones. They thought they were all that, just because they had graduated from kindergarten. They reminded me of baby bears, excited to explore the world. NOT! The Grade twos were like ants, staying together in large groups. Even though only one year separated the grade two’s from the kids in grade threes were the ant-eaters bullying the ants. But the grade fours seemed to be the most ignorant of them all, not asking teachers for directions or anything yet they were making the most noise like crickets chirping in the night. Last but not least there was me and the rest of the grade fives. We are the extremely intelligent and the extremely stupid. We have the most variety of kids. It’s like there was a jungle of us grade fives.
If you have any props or remarks to send me send them to
IT was the first day of school, or judgment day as I call it. The Sherwood Mills Gym was packed with kids asking teachers where their classroom was. Half of the teachers were lost, just like the students. One of them even asked me where their classroom was! I could sense that this was the beginning of a horrible school year…or maybe not?
Our school was made up of so many different kinds of people. From my point of view, Sherwood mills were like the animal kingdom. Each grade represented a different group of animals. The Kindergarteners were clueless and swarming all over the place, crying and licking everything, like bacteria. YUCK! I guess everything in their world is candy and lollipops. And then there were the grade ones. They thought they were all that, just because they had graduated from kindergarten. They reminded me of baby bears, excited to explore the world. NOT! The Grade twos were like ants, staying together in large groups. Even though only one year separated the grade two’s from the kids in grade threes were the ant-eaters bullying the ants. But the grade fours seemed to be the most ignorant of them all, not asking teachers for directions or anything yet they were making the most noise like crickets chirping in the night. Last but not least there was me and the rest of the grade fives. We are the extremely intelligent and the extremely stupid. We have the most variety of kids. It’s like there was a jungle of us grade fives.
If you have any props or remarks to send me send them to