Wednesday, August 31, 2005 


Tuesday, August 30, 2005 

The Oreo-men

Illustration from: Getty Images

The Wasplintar tribe live within the shadows of Chandragar, India. I have spent years on the following piece of text. For they barely leave any clues. The main reason why they fled from our grasp was all because of the "oreo cookie". It was their invention. The oreo-men's whole life revolved around a golden oreo cookie. They worshipped it. Then they met us. On an expedition Mr. Christie met the Oreo-men. They trusted Mr. Christie. But he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. He stole the idea of the oreo. The Wasplintar tribe was shamed, so they vowed to hide from "us" "the others". To this day they have never trusted on of the "others" since.

Monday, August 29, 2005 

The Ancient of People

There are many legends about civilizations long dead. But the difference between the ones I'm going to tell you this week and the ones you've previously heard of: they are true.

Exhibit A:Ancient Stickmen. These tribes live beside the Wacholovalie tribe within the Amazon forest. Though presently there are still rumours of this stickmen tribe living today. They are false. The ancient stickmen loved bees, and praised them. The Stickmen believed that they were honey, and enjoyed living life as if they werere. They covered themselves in it, and welcomed animal who wanted to make their "clothing" their shelter. Another tribal ceremony was to welcome stings from these "friendly" (according to them) bees.
Message from the famous Australian proffesor: Sir Ross Gel the Third

Thats all for now. Tomorrow there shall be a new update on hidden unknown ancient civilizations that have not been discovered until now.

Sunday, August 28, 2005 

Chocolate In The Wilderness

Remember this for eternity. Eventually you'll get lost.
Maybe even where "the killer rats live".

Saturday, August 27, 2005 

Photo Friday: Chaos

What could be more chaotic?

This is my first photo-friday submission. I'm actually proud of it.

Friday, August 26, 2005 

Anonymus Email

For all you people out there, who are scared to post a comment. Or say my site sucks, or do something like that. I have found a cure for this fear. Its my trash mail. Less fear more anonyminity. I accept everything.


New Template

Its time for a new template. Summer's over. Time to become techno.


Illustration Friday: Dreams

Dude. I'm being serious.
And once I dreamed about this guy named: Arrowhead Bill!

Thursday, August 25, 2005 

I think this image (which I created) clearly shows what all of humankind is like. Always trying to do the impossible.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 

Freaky School Dream

I'm going to a new school this year. New habitat. Today I had a dream about it.

I'm hiding in the Janitor's closet. I'm scared of the outsiders. Everyone but me. They are outside of the Janitor's closet. I can hear them sniffing. Trying to get my scent. They are all on the ground. Hunting for me. They open the closet. And then I learn they are cannibals.

Man. It was scary. The freakiest part is that I identified the people that were hunting me. Old friends from my old school. I'm scared. Very.

Friday, August 19, 2005 

Illustration Friday: Reflection

This week's topic is reflection. I know most people think of reflection as a time to look back or something like that (as you can clearly see I had no idea what to do for "reflection"). So I took from a father-son point of view. 'cause when I look at my Dad (even though I don't have glasses) I see my face in him. Uhh... that last sentence was a joke. I should probably shut up now...

Thursday, August 18, 2005 

Ice Cream

I just came home and ate ice-cream.

Life is awesome.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 

MSN and Homer

Hehe. Wouldn't now be a good time to say Boom!
Well. I'm bored. So BOOM!

Aren't you tired of me saying that? Its the same thing with MSN. So often when I start talking to somebidy, these stupid flashing words come up. LOL!!! And its animated (not to mention ugly as well). Google should crreate GIN ( Google Instant Messaging). Oh no ! Will I go to jail 'cause of speaking my mind?

Monday, August 15, 2005 


Click on the image to enlarge.

I think opera is exactly what this picture says it is. Clearly this guy knew what he was talkin' about.

Sunday, August 14, 2005 


You know how people argue about what the greatest frozen treat of all time is? It is ITZAKADOO. Kidding. The greatest frozen treat of all time is ice. You can turn into water or gas (not the bad kind(or maybe you can).

Saturday, August 13, 2005 


I call this piece of art: Wagalagawingeritotisimbaloritos. The name for it basically tells me how I made it, in a secret language which only spies as I know. Its called gibberish. Man, what would we do without gibberish?

Friday, August 12, 2005 

Illustration Friday: Wisdom

This week's illustration friday topic: Wisdom. What better way to show that than to show a owl? Maybe the Buddha or some thick glasses but I'm only capable of drawing an owl. You see, an owl not only looks wise but Athena's symbol (or something like that) (animal maybe) is the owl. The owl of wisdom. Anyway, thick glasses means smart, wisdom is a completely diffferent thing.

Thursday, August 11, 2005 

Soccer Dream-AH!!!

So, this is a dream. I just came in the new for creating a soccer team. So its big news in the town. Before this happened I met Stevie Wonder (thats another story). So while we're practicing in my backyard, this girl comes in outta no where and looks at me and goes " Are ewe thee Pinejabee kied?" She was Australian. And in the way she said it, there was a hint of extreme rudeness. I reply " No I ayeent Pinejabee." imitating her voice. And then she started treating me like Apu from the simpsons, she wen't " Cud I practice with you" And I replied with an Australia accent "Sure you can." (even though this was a team for boys AND ONLY BOYS) Then she challenges me " Eye beyet eye cain geiet more sawcer bawls over the feince" in this awkard accent. Not even Australian, something different. "Sure" I said, knowing that I was goiung to get creamed ('cause she looked like one of those soccer freaks, soccershoes,soccershirt,soccershorts, and other soccer gear, I was just wearing my normal clothes.) So she fenced about 30 balls over the fence in about half-an-hour I fenced one. She looked at me with a mean grin and said " You Suck. In faect all of you guys suck 2. I beit I cud single-handingly beat all of you guys in a gaime of fencieng" ( soccer ball over the fence ) . So outta nowhere about 30 boys jump over my fence with soccerballs. And then we played. We creamed her 93-7. Which was kind of obvious 'cause we sent 2 of the strong kids in our team to slide-tackle. Still pretty good for one person against 30 (none of the boys would've been able to get that). And she almost brock her neck...almost. Eventually she sat on the the ground to watch us practice. I looked at her and said " Get outta here, you don't belong."

Then the dream ended I felt pretty bad for kickin' her out. Anyway's I was thinking about making a cricket team for boys in my next school. So maybe some Australian stranger might wanna join, and cream us at whatever she does. 'Cause currently Australia is the best team in international cricket. Mmm... I see my future.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 

Le Emoticons De Homer

Click here to see Homer's Emotions. Unfortunately there are only 3. This site also has tons of other cool games.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005 

LOTR : Hobbit Problems

Today I was busy (actually bored to death 'cause I have nothing to do so) I was reading Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring. Its really great. Lot more details when compared with what you get in the movie.

So far I've noticed 2 problems when comparing the movie hobbits with the book hobbits.
Exhibit A: In the book, Hobbits are only 2-4 feet tall.
Exhibit B: In the book Frodo starts of his adventure at the age of 50. But then again, how many people do you think would've watched the movie if it was about some 50-year old guy?

Monday, August 08, 2005 

Freedom: An Illusion

How can you actually define freedom? Merriam-Webster Online states that freedom is the quality or state of being free: as a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. But are we ever free according to this definition? M-W Online says we are free in the abscence of necessity. But is necessity ever absent. And is constraint and coercion ever abent in this cruel world of our. In my opinion freedom is an illusion. Something that we may always hope for, but never accomplish.

Sunday, August 07, 2005 


Stupid.Stupid. Why do people so stupid even exist on the face of the Earth? Maybe their not from this planet, perhaps from the next. But I'm not talking about those people ( i dunno if i'm one of them, its your opinion) who are born dumb. I'm talking about people who enjoy being dumb and enjoy being hated. These type of people should go on 'Dr.Phil' , the type that when somebody doesn't want to be their friend, they get mad and pissed off. And start bullying. Basically being themselves. Man, I feel the need to get a crowbar and hit somebody in the head. You kno' what I mean.



D'oh: The Definition

I just started reading a really big book on the Simpson called: The Simpsons and Philosophy, The D'oh Of Homer. Its kinda freaky 'cause everything in the Simpsons is taking from the view from a guy thats studied philosophy. Pretty hard, but it proves that the Simpsons is more than just a hilarious cartoon.

Langmaker states that D'oh is a word of surprise usually uttered when someone says or does something that was wildly stupid. An expression of recognition that one's own action(s) or statement(s) is considered totally wildy stupid, moronic, or buffoonish. Often times used upon the realization of making a mistake which can be considered wildy stupid, moronic, or buffoonish. Click here to see what some other people (s) say about this fantastic phrase.

What also amazes me about D'oh is that thousands of sites across the net have named their sites after this loving acronym (i dunno what dat means but whatevea). My favourite one is Just D'oh It which is full of multimedia from the Simpsons.

Click here to see all the times when D'oh has been said by a Simpson character

Uhh...I know I made al ot of mistakes there. D'oh!

Saturday, August 06, 2005 

Family Gut Quote: Stewie Playing B-ball

Friday, August 05, 2005 

Illustration Friday: Empty

What better way to describe empty? My image is just that. A simple (yet complex way if you're a geek like me) way to show the meaning of empty: empty.

Thursday, August 04, 2005 

Crazy Frog Wallpaper

Click on the image to see the full version.





This is probably the most annoying piece of music you will ever have the misoppurtunity to hear in your life. But I kinda like it. The video of Crazt Frog features the most annoying creature in the world. If you don't want to send hate-mail to the person who created it, there's something wrong with you. I have the something wrong thing. If you like it, you have the type of taste in music that I have.


Wednesday, August 03, 2005 


Movie Review: Signs
Rating: 100%
Why: Why not? Its a great movie. Even though the scenes are frightening, its not a movie purely based on freaking someone out and giving that someone nightmare. Writer M.Night Shyamalan delivers what the watchers of the movie would want to watch. Actor/Director/Producer of several movies, Mel Gibson fills in the role of a man which no other actor could play. The one thing I found the most frightening about this movie weren't the aliens or the terryfing music, it was the questions M.G.'s character asked in this blockbuster. "Are there coincedences or just things that are meant to happen?"


Time Capsule

I'm made myself a time capsule yesterday. In like 10 min. Here's my recipe if you want to make your own time capsule.

Tools: Box
Crap stuff, you like

Instructions: Put crap in box.
Tape over box completely leaving to trace of the original colour of the box.
Write on box open until some year.

Okay, thats the rec

Tuesday, August 02, 2005 

New Link

Hello everybody. A new time has come, for a new link. I am so bored. All i got to keep me going through the summer is storyboard. Storyboard and tons of other link which I'll be posting later unless I die of boredness. Storyboard is a sick program, where you can draw people usiong fonts. And they also have dingbat fonts you can draw with. Don't think its that sick (in a good way), then check out creations some other creative people including me (I'm not one of the creative people) have created on storyboard.