I Used To Believe
I believed that while I slept, there was a man who lived in the light fixture in the ceiling who wore a pith helmet, and if I slept on my back and kept my mouth open, he would throw oranges in my mouth, which would not have been good.
When I was five or six years old, my mom noticed that I was very fidgety before I went to sleep. In reality, I moved my feet around as much as possible because I was afraid miniature leprechauns were going to steal my toes.
There was a time in my young, impressionable life that I watched an inordinate amount of television. During one evening's sojourn into the Idiot Box, I happened to peruse a commercial for a lovely chocolate confection called a Chunky due to its large and solidly square shape. The advertisement then showed a Chunky growing larger and larger, accompanied by loud thudding sounds. This somehow horrified my prepubescent synapses, and was thereby transposed by my naivete into an under-the-bed monster which lasted throughout not only my horrified childhood, but also the childhood of my sisters offspring, as she told them the story of the hideous Chunky that awaits the appearance of tiny toes over the side of the bed should they try to get out of it during the night.
A candy bar that eats children.
To this day, I have never eaten a Chunky.
For more stupid and hilarious fears visit: I Used To Believe
u copy cat u copy cat i put i used to believe u copy cat u copy cat u copy cat i put i used to believe u copy cat u copy cat u copy cat i put i used to believe u copy cat u copy cat u copy cat i put i used to believe u copy cat u copy cat u copy cat i put i used to believe u copy cat u copy cat u copy cat i put i used to believe u copy cat u copy cat u copy cat i put i used to believe u copy cat
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:00 PM
i kno where u live. I hav rsde software. I know what url your comp has.
And you didn't even source the actual site, and covered up the evidence with the phoniest excuse in the world
Posted by
Vicasso |
6:32 PM