D'oh: The Definition

I just started reading a really big book on the Simpson called: The Simpsons and Philosophy, The D'oh Of Homer. Its kinda freaky 'cause everything in the Simpsons is taking from the view from a guy thats studied philosophy. Pretty hard, but it proves that the Simpsons is more than just a hilarious cartoon.
Langmaker states that D'oh is a word of surprise usually uttered when someone says or does something that was wildly stupid. An expression of recognition that one's own action(s) or statement(s) is considered totally wildy stupid, moronic, or buffoonish. Often times used upon the realization of making a mistake which can be considered wildy stupid, moronic, or buffoonish. Click here to see what some other people (s) say about this fantastic phrase.
What also amazes me about D'oh is that thousands of sites across the net have named their sites after this loving acronym (i dunno what dat means but whatevea). My favourite one is Just D'oh It which is full of multimedia from the Simpsons.
Click here to see all the times when D'oh has been said by a Simpson character
Uhh...I know I made al ot of mistakes there. D'oh!