The Ancient of People

There are many legends about civilizations long dead. But the difference between the ones I'm going to tell you this week and the ones you've previously heard of: they are true.
Exhibit A:Ancient Stickmen. These tribes live beside the Wacholovalie tribe within the Amazon forest. Though presently there are still rumours of this stickmen tribe living today. They are false. The ancient stickmen loved bees, and praised them. The Stickmen believed that they were honey, and enjoyed living life as if they werere. They covered themselves in it, and welcomed animal who wanted to make their "clothing" their shelter. Another tribal ceremony was to welcome stings from these "friendly" (according to them) bees.
Message from the famous Australian proffesor: Sir Ross Gel the Third
Thats all for now. Tomorrow there shall be a new update on hidden unknown ancient civilizations that have not been discovered until now.