Soccer Dream-AH!!!
So, this is a dream. I just came in the new for creating a soccer team. So its big news in the town. Before this happened I met Stevie Wonder (thats another story). So while we're practicing in my backyard, this girl comes in outta no where and looks at me and goes " Are ewe thee Pinejabee kied?" She was Australian. And in the way she said it, there was a hint of extreme rudeness. I reply " No I ayeent Pinejabee." imitating her voice. And then she started treating me like Apu from the simpsons, she wen't " Cud I practice with you" And I replied with an Australia accent "Sure you can." (even though this was a team for boys AND ONLY BOYS) Then she challenges me " Eye beyet eye cain geiet more sawcer bawls over the feince" in this awkard accent. Not even Australian, something different. "Sure" I said, knowing that I was goiung to get creamed ('cause she looked like one of those soccer freaks, soccershoes,soccershirt,soccershorts, and other soccer gear, I was just wearing my normal clothes.) So she fenced about 30 balls over the fence in about half-an-hour I fenced one. She looked at me with a mean grin and said " You Suck. In faect all of you guys suck 2. I beit I cud single-handingly beat all of you guys in a gaime of fencieng" ( soccer ball over the fence ) . So outta nowhere about 30 boys jump over my fence with soccerballs. And then we played. We creamed her 93-7. Which was kind of obvious 'cause we sent 2 of the strong kids in our team to slide-tackle. Still pretty good for one person against 30 (none of the boys would've been able to get that). And she almost brock her neck...almost. Eventually she sat on the the ground to watch us practice. I looked at her and said " Get outta here, you don't belong."
Then the dream ended I felt pretty bad for kickin' her out. Anyway's I was thinking about making a cricket team for boys in my next school. So maybe some Australian stranger might wanna join, and cream us at whatever she does. 'Cause currently Australia is the best team in international cricket. Mmm... I see my future.
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Posted by
Gagman |
10:43 AM