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Wednesday, June 22, 2005 

Make Poverty History

I'd like to start this off by saying that you could also buy make poverty history bands.

8 people have the power to make poverty history. These people are leaders of the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Russia and even Canada. The leaders know when they sit down that the world is watching them and waiting for them to deliver.


Every 3 seconds a child dies due to poverty. Every 3 seconds. Watch our favourite entertainers, political leaders and cinemaphotgraphers deliver amusing preformances during these short videos here.

Stand up. Thirld world countries need you, step up have a voice and take action. Why not be the generation, the group of people who not only wanted to but made poverty history. One more thing to say. The question isn't " Why should it be me?" the question is " Why shouldn't it be me?"

Lets make poverty history.